MPT Institute

You can earn a Masters and a Doctorate in Piano Technology from the MPT Institute

Estimated time to obtain the Masters is 5 years, the Doctorate will take up to 7 years.

Credits toward the Masters and Doctorate degrees are earned by 1) attending MPT Conventions; 2) teaching classes at the conventions; and 3) writing articles for the MPT Journal.  Convention classes are divided up into 4 periods per day, and classes are offered for two days.  The attendee earns ½ of a credit for each period attended for a total of 2 credits per day and 4 for attending the entire convention.  In addition, if the attendee also teaches, he earns an additional credit for each class taught.  So if the attendee attends the entire convention and teaches one class, he earns 5 credits.  If he teaches two classes as well as attends all, he earns 6 credits, and so on.  Writing one article for publication in the MPT Journal earns him 1 credit.  The article must be substantial and be on a subject that would benefit the technician in his work.


1) The technician must accumulate 25 credits

2) At least 1 of those credits must be earned by teaching a class at least one hour in length.  If the technician prefers, he may team teach, but then it must be at least a two hour class for that 1 credit.

He may earn more credits by teaching more if he is asked to do so by the institute director.


1) The technician must accumulate another 10 credits, for a total of 35 credits

2) He must teach an additional two more classes of at least one hour duration each, and he must have published at least one more article for the MPT Journal.  Those additional two classes must be taught solo.  More credits can be earned if other classes are taught and/or if other articles are accepted for publication in the MPT Journal.

If you have questions, please contact us for more information.